The Ecole Nationale Supérieure Maritime, ENSM, trains merchant navy officers and maritime engineers. It comes under the authority of the Secretary of State to the Minister for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, responsible for the Sea and Biodiversity.
The Board of Directors is chaired by Frédéric Moncany de Saint-Aignan and sets the general guidelines for the Academy.
The ENSM Board of Directors is made up of 28 members, including 5 members representing the French State, 15 external personalities, among them 6 qualified personalities (including at least one from higher education), 8 members representing employers in the maritime sector and 1 member appointed by the alumni associations, 8 elected members representing staff and students, including 4 representing staff carrying out teaching or research duties within the Academy, 2 representing staff not carrying out teaching or research duties and 2 representing students.
As external personalities and qualified personalities:
François HOULLIER ;
Nathalie ILLE ;
Gaël LE SAOUT – Vice-chairman;
Frédéric MONCANY de SAINT-AIGNAN – Chairman;
As external personalities and as representatives of employers in the maritime economy field:
Nathalie MERCIER-PERRIN, Ordinary member, and Christine De JOUETTE, her substitute ;
Claire MERLIN, Ordinary member, and Florian WEYER, her substitute ;
and, as shipowners’ representative,
Jean-Philippe CASANOVA, Ordinary member, and Mme Maha VANDEWALLE, his substitute ;
Alain COATANHAY, Ordinary member, and Mme Evelyne ILIOU, his substitute ;
Sylvain DAMOUR, Ordinary member, and Mme Caroline GALLAND, his substitute ;
Isabelle DAUMAS, Ordinary member, and Mme Catherine CORNU, her substitute ;
Vincent PINEL, Ordinary member, and M. Jérôme NAVARRO, his substitute ;
Jean-Emmanuel SAUVÉE, Ordinary member, and M. François LERAY, his substitute.
As external personalities and as members appointed by alumni associations:
Christophe LACHEVRE, Ordinary member, Mme Estelle JUAN, his substitute.
As elected members representing staff and students and as representatives of staff carrying out teaching or research duties within the academy:
Jean AVRIL, Ordinary member, and M. Laurent SALVATI, his substitute ;
Jean-Michel LABORDE, Ordinary member, and Mme Pauline LAMY-JALABERT, his substitute ;
Guillaume LASBLEIZ, Ordinary member, and Mme Fabienne PERROT, his substitute ;
Franck PETITJEANNOT, Ordinary member, and M. Julien TOURY, his substitute.
As elected members representing staff and students and as representatives of staff not carrying out teaching or research duties within the academy:
Maxime CROCHEMORE, Ordinary member, and Pascale HAURET TERTU, his substitute ;
Roxane MONGINOT, Ordinary member, and Céline CRAVEREAU, her substitute.
As elected members representing the staff and students and as students’ representatives:
Edouard GIRAUD, Ordinary member, and Marie KROTOFF, his substitute ;
Séraphin LIVET, Ordinary member, and Aliénor RAMBEAU, his substitute.
The Extended Management Committee meets once a month. Its purpose is to discuss the latest developments at the Academy and to follow up on the actions implemented at all of the Academy’s campuses. It has around twenty members and is chaired by François Lambert, Managing Director of the École Nationale Supérieur Maritime.
François Lambert, General Manager
Pierre-Yves Le Corre, Director General Services
Nathalie Tancret, Director of Studies
Guillaume de Beauregard, Director, Le Havre campus
Fabrice Moret-Bailly, Director, Marseille campus
Luc Varin, Director, Saint-Malo campus
Pascal Leblond, Director, Nantes site, Research Coordinator
Véronika Rous, Quality Manager – Management and Internal Control
Delphine Deschamps, Director, Human Resources
Gersende Le Dimna, Head of international relations and academic partnerships
Romain Baudry, Head of legal expertise
Sophie Bourhis, Head of property management
Cyril Delher, Deputy Director, Marseille campus, in charge of training courses
Sophie Nevoux, Deputy Director, Le Havre campus, in charge of training courses
Christophe Marcillaud, Deputy Director, Saint-Malo campus, in charge of training courses
Guillaume Edouard, Head of information and communication systems
Valentine Lesoudier, Communications Manager
Gregory Colomer, Head of ENSM’s sea survival and rescue training center (Cesame)
Olivier Lemattre, Deputy Director of Studies
Thomas Fossier, Head of teaching facilities
Stéphanie Gourlin, Apprenticeship and corporate relations manager
Frédéric Dupont, Educational engineer
Orlane Siwik, Head of Continuing Education (CEMAFOR)
Fabrice Verdin, Accounting officer
Frederic Dhieux, Prevention advisor
The Restricted Management Collective meets weekly with the same objective of discussing current affairs and monitoring the implementation of actions across all academy sites. It consists of 8 members and is chaired by François Lambert, General Manager of the French National Maritime Academy.
François Lambert, Director General
Pierre-Yves Le Corre, Director General of Services
Nathalie Tancret, Director of Studies
Guillaume de Beauregard, Director of Le Havre Campus
Fabrice Moret-Bailly, Director of Marseille Campus
Luc Varin, Director of Saint-Malo Campus
Pascal Leblond, Director of Nantes Campus, Research Coordinator
Véronika Rous, Quality Manager – Management Control and Internal Audit
Social dialogue bodies
Social Administration Committee (Comité social d’administration, CSA)
Specialised Section of the Social Administration Committee (CSA-FS)
Created by the same decree as the SAC, the specialised section is chaired by ENSM’s Managing Director.
The specialised section meets at least three times a year and whenever circumstances require. The composition of the CSA-FS is set out in Article 24 of Decree no. 2020-1427.
A statement of opinion is circulated to all staff and posted on the Academy’s intranet. Only staff representatives and administrative staff taking part in the committee receive the minutes.
A Joint Consultative Committee is in charge of considering issues relating to the situation of ENSM’s contract staff (see appendix 2, Decision No.117 dated 25 March 2013).
The JCC must be consulted on:
Individual decisions relating to dismissals at the end of a probationary period;
Disciplinary measures other than warnings and reprimands;
Any matter of an individual nature relating to the professional situation of contract staff.
It meets at least once a year.
Educational Channel
ENSM’s Director of Studies is Nathalie Tancret and her deputy Oliver Lemattre. They rely on 5 Heads of Department and 230 teaching staff.
Teaching departments by programme and Heads of Department:
Engineer – Yrs 1 to 3: Florence Blot
Seagoing engineer Yrs 4 and 5: François Grinnaert
Maritime engineering Yrs 3 to 5: Awa Sam
Single-purpose Engine: Pierre Gicquel
Single-purpose Deck: Thomas Roy
Teaching Staff
ENSM relies on a teaching body of about 230 permanent and temporary professors across the campuses of Le Havre,Saint Malo, Nantes and Marseille.
The courses taught at ENSM are divided into six teaching units:
SNA: Nautical Sciences
CES: Construction, operation, safety
SHS: Human and social sciences
MEC: Naval mechanics
EEA: Electronics, electrotechnics, automation
FON: Fundamentals
Other Educational Resources
The Directorate of Studies at ENSM also relies on a dedicated support team for education:
Thomas Fossier, responsabile for pedagogical equipment
Didier Delean, responsible for the study Information System