Vocational courses

As part of its skills development programme, ENSM prepares merchant navy officers for diplomas in bridge and engine engineering. These diplomas are issued by the Interregional Directorates of the Sea (Directions interrégionale de la mer, DIRMs) and, after a period of service at sea, allow students to obtain higher-level certificates.

The courses are taught by ENSM teaching staff with a wide range of expertise, using high-performance teaching equipment, including simulators.

Training is provided by ENSM faculty, which possesses various expertise and relies on high-performance educational equipment, notably simulators.

The French Ministry for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion is the certifying body.

International Candidates

International candidates holding a certificate from another state than France must contact the Interregional Directorates of the Sea first to ensure the certificates they hold are recognised to enrol a course at ENSM. For further information, please contact candidats.internationaux@supmaritime.fr.

Deck officers

Engine officers

Electrotechnical Officer Course


Disability Policy

Some ENSM training courses require a specific medical fitness from the seafarers’ health service.


To find out if you meet the criteria to seafaring, contact your GP now for an initial medical opinion.

Only the opinion of the seafarers health service can issue the medical fitness certificate required to start the training programmes.

Beware of appointment times; do not hesitate to approach approveed centers located along the entire coastline (mainland France and overseas territories).


If you have a disability, the Academy is available to answer your questions: referent.handicap@supmaritime.fr