International partnerships


 Institut Maritime du Québec (Canada)

Three partnerships have been established for initial and continuing education offerings, educational exchanges, and research to promote mutual recognition of degrees, sharing of online courses, and internship exchanges. The partnership was concluded on October 17, 2019, for a duration of five years.


Antwerp Maritime Academy – Académie Maritime d’Anvers (Belgique)

ENSM and the Antwerp Maritime Academy concluded a framework partnership agreement on March 29, 2022, aimed at developing links between institutions, pooling their resources, and mutually supporting each other during activities undertaken by either of the two institutions. As a result, cross-mobility of students, staff, and teachers, the hosting of interns or doctoral students can take place, as well as responses to calls for international projects.Several incoming and outgoing mobilities have been carried out, particularly the outgoing mobility of a teacher with research activity at ENSM who was able to work on gas emissions within the enclosed spaces of ships.


Mircea cel Batran Naval Academy (Romania)

The partnership agreement concluded in 2018 aims at the analysis, identification, and potential development of academic partnerships, and joint participation in scientific events, such as conferences or seminars. It facilitates joint participation in academic programs developed together by ENSM and MBNA, to ease staff access to the partner’s documentary resources, promote scientific publications, etc.
The agreement was concluded for five years, in 2018.


Regional Academy of Marine Sciences and Techniques (Côte d’Ivoire)


Caribbean Maritime University (Jamaica)

On July 26, 2023, following the approach initiated in 2022 between the two maritime academies, an agreement aimed at developing and promoting their cooperation in training and research was signed, particularly in the fields of navigation, energy transition, digitalization, cyber defense, logistics, offshore industry, or management.

Mobilities of students, teachers, and staff are thus envisaged, as well as the sharing or creation of online educational resources or technical cooperation within the IMO committees in support and at the discretion of their respective governments when the work involves training, energy transition, or innovation.

ENSM and CMU will also combine their networks from their respective maritime ecosystems in the innovative projects they implement.

STC Group

On April 12, 2023, in the presence of the French Minister of Higher Education and Research, Sylvie Retailleau, and the Dutch Minister of Education, Culture, and Science, Robbert Dijkgraaf, a partnership was concluded with the aim of better preparing maritime professionals in Europe for current demands between ENSM and the Shipping and Transport College (STC).
ENSM and STC, which had collaborated on the European project SkillSea, are intensifying their collaboration and, thanks to this memorandum of understanding, are maintaining the goal of acquiring and maintaining the skills of navigating personnel, on the themes of energy transition, digitalization of ships, collaboration, and leadership.

Escola Superior Nautica Infante D.Henrique

On October 4, 2023, ENSM and Escola Superior Nautica Infante D. Henrique, both of which train merchant navy officers and maritime engineering graduates, concluded an agreement to promote the implementation of mobilities under the Erasmus+ Program. The agreement particularly focuses on courses related to pedagogical innovation, the decarbonization of maritime transport, or the connection between research outcomes and merchant navy training. Both institutions have called on the European Commission to participate in upcoming meetings to highlight the need for a common maritime education in the European space.


Gersende Le Dimna