Objectives of the ERASMUS+ approach at ENSM

The various ERASMUS+ activities implemented by the Academy help achieve ENSM’s objectives to:

  • Promote the boarding of our students on ships flying all flags,
  • Encourage student mobility to higher education institutions to continue a period of study or an internship abroad,
  • Strengthen the learning of foreign languages, in particular English (the working language on board ships),
  • Offer double degrees,
  • Develop intercultural skills, particularly among ship’s crews,
  • Organise exchanges in foreign higher education institutions:
    • For teachers: allowing the discovery of new cultures and educational approaches (incoming and outgoing mobility) for the benefit of ENSM students and other teachers.
    • For administrative staff: allowing the discovery of other practices and new cultures (incoming and outgoing mobility)
  • Strengthen existing academic partnerships and develop new ones to increase the visibility and attractiveness of the academy,
  • Develop the offer of European training programmes (through joint programmes with other partners),
  • Pool educational resources and tools.

With the ERASMUS+ Charter, mobilities is open to:

  • Students from all courses (after validation of the dual-purpose curriculum by other academies),
  • Teachers who provide initial training and/or continuing education,
  • Teachers who participate in projects and research activities on shared themes,
  • All students as part of their internship: cadets who must complete internships on board ships and maritime engineering students who must complete a 6-month internship in a company,
  • Administrative staff for exchanges of best practices.

Download the Erasmus+ 2021-2027 flyer “An enriching life experience that opens minds

Contact: Gersende Le Dimna – erasmus@supmaritime.fr


With the Erasmus+ Charter, incoming and outgoing mobilities with other institutions can involve:

  • Students from selected courses,
  • Professors teaching in all areas, in both initial and continuing education,
  • Professors involved in projects and research on shared themes,
  • Administrative staff.

Internships abroad

By including internships abroad in its scope of action, Erasmus+ allows all ENSM students to benefit from the program.