ENSM Foundation

The aim of ENSM Foundation is to collect, manage and allocate resources to finance actions in the Academy’s fields of expertise

With the status of a university foundation, it has no legal personality. It is governed by a management board, which has elected the Foundation’s executive committee and Chairman.

The stakes of the ENSM Foundation

The general interest actions targeted by the foundation are as follows:

1: Enhance the visibility of professions and promote them to young people

  • Inspire and support young high school students to embrace a career as a seafarer and/or engineer.
  • Encourage the emergence of collaborative projects between students.
  • Be part of  the policy to develop and promote of the French flag.
  • Foster social promotion of occupations in the maritime economy.

2: Encourage social diversity and gender equity

  • Support ENSM students by entrusting the Foundation with the payment of scholarships.

3: Support innovative projects to reduce the environmental impact of maritime economy activities

  • Develop creativity and entrepreneurship by promoting decarbonisation, reducing greenhouse gases on land and at sea.
  • Support research projects and valorise teacher-researchers’ expertise .
  • Contribute to reducing environmental impact and strengthening research.

4: Disseminate the training model internationally

  • Deploy French know-how internationally, particularly within the French-speaking community.
  • Attract foreign talents to serve the maritime economy.

The ENSM foundation is located at ENSM headquarters: 10 quai Frissard, 76600 Le Havre

Action Plan

All decisions taken by the Foundation’s Management Board are submitted to ENSM Board of Directors. The Management board has drawn up the 2023 action plan, approved by the Academy’s Board of Directors.

This plan finds its legitimacy in its four statutory axes, the French President’s declaration on the number of ENSM graduates, the conclusions of the “Fontenoy du maritime”, and discussions with Armateurs de France.

In 2023, the plan includes significant actions to increase the number of enrolments in 2024 and launch the Foundation.

Axis 1: Enhance the visibility of professions and promote them to young people

  • The 2023 Transat Jacques Vabre started from Le Havre in October: thanks to the Foundation, François Champion, teacher at ENSM, and Basile Buisson, a former student, merchant marine officer, and winner of the Virtuel Reggata, has raced under the Academys’ colours.
  • Online promotional campaigns and media support the presence of students at events, open days, and the launch of ENSM’s new website.
  • Creation of an online ENSM store.

Axis 2: Encourage social diversity and gender equity

  • The flagship project for 2023 is the creation of furtherance crews with alumni, students, teachers, and companies in mainland and overseas France, to organize interventions in middle and high schools.

Axis 3: Participate in reducing environmental impact

    • Led by Caroline Pons, teacher at ENSM Marseille campus, the Hydro-Challenge is an international competition of environmentally low-impact ship models, open to students from maritime academies worldwide, starting in 2025.
  • The Climate Fresk project will be implemented on a first campus this year.

Axis 4: Disseminate the training model internationally

  • Rely on alumni and companies to rebuild the link and promote enrolments at ENSM in 2024 in the best high schools in French-speaking Africa.
  • Participate in the SAPEF fair in Yaoundé and Douala, organised by the French Institute, Campus France, and the French Embassy in Cameroon, in October.

Support ENSM Foundation

Support the ENSM Foundation

The success of the Foundation, which is supported by professionals, alumni and students’ families, is based on the fact that part of the donation is tax deductible. Depending on your tax situation, €100 donated to ENSM Foundation in September 2023 will only cost you €25, €44 or €40, since tax reductions at that date are:

  • 75% of property wealth tax (IFI)
  • 66% on income tax (impôt sur le revenu – IR)
  • 60% of corporation tax (IS)

ENSM Foundation may also receive property bequests, which entitle the donor to a reduction in income tax of up to 66% of the value of the donation and up to a limit of 20% of net taxable income. Any surplus can be carried forward for up to five years, or a reduction in property wealth tax of 75% of the value of the gift, up to a maximum of €50,000. In the latter case, the surplus cannot be carried forward to subsequent years.

Make a Donation

To support the ENSM Foundation, you can make a donation by filling out the “Donation Pledge” form and selecting the following payment method:

Upon receipt of your payment, we will send your tax receipt, to benefit from the tax reduction to which you are entitled .

Donation Pledge to Fill

Subscribe to the Newsletter

If you wish to follow the activity of the Foundation, you can subscribe to its newsletter by clicking HERE.

The Foundation is governed by articles L.719-12 and R.719-194 to R.719-205 of the Education Code and the decree n° 2010-1129 of 28 September 2010, as amended, creating ENSM.


Project Officer ENSM Foundation : Gaëlle Hardy – gaelle.hardy@supmaritime.fr


Thank you !