Our Commitments

Fight against discrimination

Gender equality has been declared a “Major Cause for Nation” by the President of the Republic. It is part of the provisions of Article L712-2 of the Education Code and the 2021-2025 national action plan against sexist and sexual violence in higher education.

In this context, ENSM, as a responsible institution, places the theme of professional equality at the heart of its policy and actions, directed towards all staff and students. Since June 2023, Delphine Deschamps, Director of Human Resources, has been appointed as the “Professional Equality Officer at ENSM.”

Her role consists of:

  • Contributing to the development of the professional equality action plan,
  • Implementing the professional equality action plan,
  • Engaging with the network of professional equality referents,
  • Using dedicated collaboration spaces,
  • Raising awareness and informing staff and students in the academy,
  • Training key personnel and relays on the risks of discrimination, harassment and sexist and sexual violence,
  • Listening to and supporting staff on these issues,
  • Promoting actions that contribute to the dissemination of information,
  • raising awareness among staff and preventing gender stereotypes.

These actions will follow 4 main axes:

  • Preventing and tackling the gender pay gap.
  • Preventing and tackling inequalities between women and men in terms of access to employment, career paths and career development.
  • Reconciliation of private and professional life.
  • Combating sexual and sexist violence.

The entire ENSM community is committed to this plan to combat sexual and sexist violence and fully supports Delphine Deschamps.



Our Disability Policy

The Academy aims to raise awareness, involvement and commitment of staff and students on disability issues at ENSM. The Academy is developing an individual disability policy, taking into account the constraints of the maritime environment.

Due to the future roles of students trained at ENSM, some of its programmes are subject to a specific medical fitness requirement by the Maritime Health Service:

  • First Class Navigation Officer and Engineer
  • International Bridge Watchkeeping Officer / Master 3000
  • Engine Watchkeeping Officer / Chief Engineer 8000kW
  • Continuing education
  • Vocational courses


To find out if you meet the eligibilty criteria for navigation, please consult your GP for an initial medical opinion.

Only the opinion from the Maritime Health Service can issue the medical certificate of fitness for navigation required to start the seafaring courses.

Pay attention to appointment times; do not hesitate to contact the accredited centres located along the entire coastline (mainland France and overseas territories).


If you have a disability, some ENSM courses are open to all:

  • Maritime Engineering / Specialisation in Ship Eco-Management (EGN)
  • Maritime Engineering / Specialisation in Deployment and Maintenance of Offshore Systems (DMO)


The Academy is here to answer your questions : referent.handicap@supmaritime.fr

Continuous Improvement

ENSM has been committed to continuous improvement for several years.

Since 2015, ENSM’s quality management system has been ISO 9001 certified by LRQA since 2015 for the scope:

“Design and delivery of initial and continuous education for merchant navy officers and continuing education in maritime and para-maritime fields”.

ENSM was awarded the Qualiopi quality certification in 2020, awarded under the category: “Training action”. This certification was developed by the Ministry of Labor as part of the vocational training reform. It attests to the quality of the processes implemented by ENSM for its training activities contributing to skills development.

2020 in the field of “Training activities”. This accreditation was developed by the Ministry of Labour as part of the reform of vocational training. It certifies the quality of the process implemented by ENSM for its training initiatives aimed at developing skills.

Since November 2011, ENSM has been accredited by the Engineering Titles Commission (CTI) to award the engineering title for the following courses:

  • Dual-purpose officers (deck and engine) for the merchant navy, in Marseille and Le Havre
  • Master degree  in Maritime Engineering in Nantes

This accreditation was renewed in 2021 for 5 years.

Quality, a tool for continuous improvement:

The quality policy defines how the quality approach fits into ENSM’s overall strategy. It expresses the commitment of the management to develop and support this approach. It is displayed on all campuses.

Our QMS must enable us to:

  • Continuously improve the various processes to increase customer and stakeholder satisfaction;
  • Improve the way departments work and communicate with each other, and optimise activities to achieve our objectives;
  • Provide management and operational staff with a control and decision making tool through regular monitoring of indicators.