
Project presentation

The aim of the project is to reduce the energy consumption of ships, by taking account of the environment and in particular the sea state in the design and operation of ships.

The developments planned in this project will make it possible to

  • Improve ship performance at the design stage in a real environment including waves and wind,
  • Improve ship routing, by enabling the use of these accurate hydrodynamic and aerodynamic ship databases in the ADRENA software, in order to optimise consumption, reduce risks and preserve the ship’s lifespan.


Project duration : December 2015 to December 2019

The role of ENSM

  • Participation in the development of the ship’s aero-hydro-structure-machine models
  • Participation in the development of specific models for three types of ship                                        
  • Participation in the integration of developments into the ADRENA-Ship routing software


Olivier Lemattre