L3 Maritime Engineering

Maritime Engineering is accessible after a +2 level of education. It allows candidates with this level who meet the access conditions to enter the third year in the maritime engineering specialization cycle of the ENSM engineering degree. The L3 Maritime Engineering leads directly to the M1 Maritime Engineering year (there is no other orientation possible within ENSM)

Accessible to the following candidates:

  • Following a CPGE MP and PSI, a CUPGE, certain scientific DUTs (list in the application notice): by application
  • Following a year of ATS prep: by application
  • Following PT prep via the PT bank competition. 

The L3 Maritime Engineering provides knowledge on the construction, operation, and use of professional ships and on the administrative and regulatory framework of its economic sector. Maritime English is introduced.

Training on navigation simulators is offered. This training does not lead to the issuance of a title allowing for navigation. It enables a proper understanding of the professional environment in which the future maritime engineering graduate will work.

During this L3 year, the scientific knowledge of the enrollee, whose level is defined by the profile of possible candidates for L3 Maritime Engineering (see above), is developed and oriented towards the mastery necessary to follow the M1 and M2 years in one of the two proposed tracks:


This training, provided at the ENSM site in Nantes, concerns the sectors of design, operation, maintenance, and optimization of “clean” ships, both in terms of their construction, propulsion and energy production, fuel storage, and ship subsystems.

These trainings, provided at the ENSM site in Nantes, concern the sectors of:

This training, also provided at the ENSM site in Nantes, deals with the deployment, operation, and maintenance of offshore energy production installations: “Oil & Gas” and “MRE” sectors including wind, tidal, and ocean thermal energy, for the DMO track.

The choice of track is made at the beginning of the M1 year.

Applications / information

Tuition fees 2021/2022: €1430 for EU nationals and €8000 for non-EU nationals

Information: bef.nantes@supmaritime.fr /  T. +33(0)9 70 00 04 23