
Throughout their studies, ENSM students and trainees are in contact with the Training and Studies Office (Bureau Études et Formation (BEF)) and the documentation centre on their campus (see the Documentary Portal for more information on each documentation centre).

Under the authority of the campus headmaster and the deputy campus headmaster in charge of education, the BEF is the main point of contact for students. It is the interface for administrative, educational and disciplinary issues.

Training and Studies Office (Bureau Études et Formation (BEF)) contact

Contribution to student and campus life (CVEC)

The Contribution to student and campus life (CVEC – Contribution de vie étudiante et de campus) is provided for in article L.841-5 of the French Education Code, to promote social, health, cultural and sporting activities for students and to support preventive and health education initiatives for them.

For more information:

All students enrolled in initial education courses are required to pay the CVEC, unless they can provide proof of exemption*.
This contribution must always be paid before enrolment.

Students can download the certificate of payment once they have paid the contribution, or once they have provided proof of exemption.

It is essential that students admitted to initial education at the ENSM produce the certificate of payment or exemption at the latest at the time of enrolment.Without this document, they could not be enrolled.

A large number of scholarships are eligible for exemption. Find out the details here, but even if you are exempt, you must obtain and present your certificate of exemption.

*Exemptions apply to:

  • Grant holders or beneficiaries of an annual allowance granted as part of specific annual aid.
  • Refugee students.
  • Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection.
  • Students registered as asylum seekers and having the right to remain in France.