2025 – Internship04 – Naval finite element calculation
In the face of the climate emergency, the shipping industry is doing substantial investments toward new less-polluting fuel ship design and retrofit of existing fleet. d2m is supporting those innovations and provide expertise to support ship owners on all structural aspects from design to building. This involve to take part in preliminary studies, design and calculation, class approval and shipyard supervision.
d2m currently work on several METHANOL RETROFIT projects for major companies of shipping industry and plan to extend its expertise and services to become a key player in the evolution of marine shipping. The intern will have the opportunity to assist structural engineers in proceed analytical and numerical calculations, develop and improve process on the basis of internal tools (Mars 2000, FEMAP Nastran…) especially for fatigue calculations and build knowledge on leading project over months of work among a team (steering, review, reporting). One of the key point will be to improve the process of design fine mesh required for fatigue calculation on the basis of coarse mesh model and detailed structural drawings.
As a member of structural engineer team, the main internship tasks will include:
• Basic analytic structural calculation (beam, pressure, load…)
• Structural calculations using Mars 2000 software
• Finite element calculations using FEMAP Nastran (static & fatigue)
• Structural optimization and weight control report update
• 3D calculation model design (beam, shell & solid)
• Model meshing (coarse and fine)
• Improvement of internal process & workflow
• Relevant Vessel drawings and documents
• d2m tools and software for calculations
• Internship report
• Calculation notes
• Coarse to fine mesh conversion process
• Engineering office work. None or few displacements
• Based in d2m Engineering offices at Six Fours les Plages (83)
• Office time: 37 h/week from 9h00 to 12h00 and 14h00 to 18h30
You can send us your CV and cover letter to Aurélien MICHEL :